UAP Common Extensions
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properties.h File Reference

Interface for parsing data from properties files. More...

#include "common.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include <stdio.h>

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Data Structures

struct  cx_properties_config_s
 Configures the expected characters for the properties parser. More...
struct  cx_properties_s
 Interface for working with properties data. More...
struct  cx_properties_sink_s
 Defines a sink for k/v-pairs. More...
struct  cx_properties_source_s
 Defines a properties source. More...


#define cxPropertiesInitDefault(prop)    cxPropertiesInit(prop, cx_properties_config_default)
 Initialize a properties parser with the default configuration.
#define cxPropertiesFill(prop, str)
 Fills the input buffer with data.


typedef struct cx_properties_config_s CxPropertiesConfig
 Typedef for the properties config.
typedef enum cx_properties_status CxPropertiesStatus
 Typedef for the properties status enum.
typedef struct cx_properties_s CxProperties
 Typedef for the properties interface.
typedef struct cx_properties_sink_s CxPropertiesSink
 Typedef for a properties sink.
typedef int(* cx_properties_sink_func) (CxProperties *prop, CxPropertiesSink *sink, cxstring key, cxstring value)
 A function that consumes a k/v-pair in a sink.
typedef struct cx_properties_source_s CxPropertiesSource
 Typedef for a properties source.
typedef int(* cx_properties_read_func) (CxProperties *prop, CxPropertiesSource *src, cxstring *target)
 A function that reads data from a source.
typedef int(* cx_properties_read_init_func) (CxProperties *prop, CxPropertiesSource *src)
 A function that may initialize additional memory for the source.
typedef void(* cx_properties_read_clean_func) (CxProperties *prop, CxPropertiesSource *src)
 A function that cleans memory initialized by the read_init_func.


enum  cx_properties_status {
 Status codes for the properties interface. More...


void cxPropertiesInit (CxProperties *prop, CxPropertiesConfig config)
 Initialize a properties interface.
void cxPropertiesDestroy (CxProperties *prop)
 Destroys the properties interface.
static void cxPropertiesReset (CxProperties *prop)
 Destroys and re-initializes the properties interface.
int cxPropertiesFilln (CxProperties *prop, const char *buf, size_t len)
 Fills the input buffer with data.
static int cx_properties_fill_cxstr (CxProperties *prop, cxstring str)
 Fills the input buffer with data.
static int cx_properties_fill_mutstr (CxProperties *prop, cxmutstr str)
 Fills the input buffer with data.
static int cx_properties_fill_str (CxProperties *prop, const char *str)
 Fills the input buffer with data.
void cxPropertiesUseStack (CxProperties *prop, char *buf, size_t capacity)
 Specifies stack memory that shall be used as internal buffer.
CxPropertiesStatus cxPropertiesNext (CxProperties *prop, cxstring *key, cxstring *value)
 Retrieves the next key/value-pair.
CxPropertiesSink cxPropertiesMapSink (CxMap *map)
 Creates a properties sink for an UCX map.
CxPropertiesSource cxPropertiesStringSource (cxstring str)
 Creates a properties source based on an UCX string.
CxPropertiesSource cxPropertiesCstrnSource (const char *str, size_t len)
 Creates a properties source based on C string with the specified length.
CxPropertiesSource cxPropertiesCstrSource (const char *str)
 Creates a properties source based on a C string.
CxPropertiesSource cxPropertiesFileSource (FILE *file, size_t chunk_size)
 Creates a properties source based on an FILE.
CxPropertiesStatus cxPropertiesLoad (CxProperties *prop, CxPropertiesSink sink, CxPropertiesSource source)
 Loads properties data from a source and transfers it to a sink.


const CxPropertiesConfig cx_properties_config_default
 Default properties configuration.

Detailed Description

Interface for parsing data from properties files.

Mike Becker
Olaf Wintermann

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ cxPropertiesFill

#define cxPropertiesFill ( prop,
str )
_Generic((str), \
const char*: cx_properties_fill_str) \
(prop, str)
static int cx_properties_fill_str(CxProperties *prop, const char *str)
Fills the input buffer with data.
Definition properties.h:489
static int cx_properties_fill_mutstr(CxProperties *prop, cxmutstr str)
Fills the input buffer with data.
Definition properties.h:477
static int cx_properties_fill_cxstr(CxProperties *prop, cxstring str)
Fills the input buffer with data.
Definition properties.h:466
The UCX string structure.
Definition string.h:51
The UCX string structure for immutable (constant) strings.
Definition string.h:69

Fills the input buffer with data.

After calling this function, you can parse the data by calling cxPropertiesNext().

The properties interface tries to avoid allocations. When you use this function and cxPropertiesNext() interleaving, no allocations are performed. However, you must not free the pointer to the data in that case. When you invoke the fill function more than once before calling cxPropertiesNext(), the additional data is appended - inevitably leading to an allocation of a new buffer and copying the previous contents.
propthe properties interface
strthe text to fill in
Return values
non-zeroa memory allocation was necessary but failed
See also

◆ cxPropertiesInitDefault

#define cxPropertiesInitDefault ( prop)     cxPropertiesInit(prop, cx_properties_config_default)

Initialize a properties parser with the default configuration.

prop(CxProperties*) the properties interface
See also

Typedef Documentation

◆ cx_properties_read_clean_func

typedef void(* cx_properties_read_clean_func) (CxProperties *prop, CxPropertiesSource *src)

A function that cleans memory initialized by the read_init_func.

propthe properties interface that wants to read from the source
srcthe source

◆ cx_properties_read_func

typedef int(* cx_properties_read_func) (CxProperties *prop, CxPropertiesSource *src, cxstring *target)

A function that reads data from a source.

When the source is depleted, implementations SHALL provide an empty string in the target and return zero. A non-zero return value is only permitted in case of an error.

The meaning of the optional parameters is implementation-dependent.

propthe properties interface that wants to read from the source
srcthe source
targeta string buffer where the read data shall be stored
Return values
non-zeroreading the data failed

◆ cx_properties_read_init_func

typedef int(* cx_properties_read_init_func) (CxProperties *prop, CxPropertiesSource *src)

A function that may initialize additional memory for the source.

propthe properties interface that wants to read from the source
srcthe source
Return values
zeroinitialization was successful

◆ cx_properties_sink_func

typedef int(* cx_properties_sink_func) (CxProperties *prop, CxPropertiesSink *sink, cxstring key, cxstring value)

A function that consumes a k/v-pair in a sink.

The sink could be e.g. a map and the sink function would be calling a map function to store the k/v-pair.

propthe properties interface that wants to sink a k/v-pair
sinkthe sink
keythe key
valuethe value
Return values
non-zerosinking the k/v-pair failed

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ cx_properties_status

Status codes for the properties interface.


Everything is fine.


The input buffer does not contain more data.


The input ends unexpectedly.

This either happens when the last line does not terminate with a line break, or when the input ends with a parsed key but no value.


Not used as a status and never returned by any function.

You can use this enumerator to check for all "good" status results by checking if the status is less than CX_PROPERTIES_OK.

A "good" status means, that you can refill data and continue parsing.


Input buffer is NULL.


The line contains a delimiter, but no key.


The line contains data, but no delimiter.


More internal buffer was needed, but could not be allocated.


Initializing the properties source failed.

See also

Reading from a properties source failed.

See also

Sinking a k/v-pair failed.

See also

Function Documentation

◆ cx_properties_fill_cxstr()

static int cx_properties_fill_cxstr ( CxProperties * prop,
cxstring str )

Fills the input buffer with data.

After calling this function, you can parse the data by calling cxPropertiesNext().

The properties interface tries to avoid allocations. When you use this function and cxPropertiesNext() interleaving, no allocations are performed. However, you must not free the pointer to the data in that case. When you invoke the fill function more than once before calling cxPropertiesNext(), the additional data is appended - inevitably leading to an allocation of a new buffer and copying the previous contents.
propthe properties interface
strthe text to fill in
Return values
non-zeroa memory allocation was necessary but failed
See also

◆ cx_properties_fill_mutstr()

static int cx_properties_fill_mutstr ( CxProperties * prop,
cxmutstr str )

Fills the input buffer with data.

After calling this function, you can parse the data by calling cxPropertiesNext().

The properties interface tries to avoid allocations. When you use this function and cxPropertiesNext() interleaving, no allocations are performed. However, you must not free the pointer to the data in that case. When you invoke the fill function more than once before calling cxPropertiesNext(), the additional data is appended - inevitably leading to an allocation of a new buffer and copying the previous contents.
propthe properties interface
strthe text to fill in
Return values
non-zeroa memory allocation was necessary but failed
See also

◆ cx_properties_fill_str()

static int cx_properties_fill_str ( CxProperties * prop,
const char * str )

Fills the input buffer with data.

After calling this function, you can parse the data by calling cxPropertiesNext().

The properties interface tries to avoid allocations. When you use this function and cxPropertiesNext() interleaving, no allocations are performed. However, you must not free the pointer to the data in that case. When you invoke the fill function more than once before calling cxPropertiesNext(), the additional data is appended - inevitably leading to an allocation of a new buffer and copying the previous contents.
propthe properties interface
strthe text to fill in
Return values
non-zeroa memory allocation was necessary but failed
See also

◆ cxPropertiesCstrnSource()

CxPropertiesSource cxPropertiesCstrnSource ( const char * str,
size_t len )

Creates a properties source based on C string with the specified length.

strthe string
lenthe length
the properties source
See also

◆ cxPropertiesCstrSource()

CxPropertiesSource cxPropertiesCstrSource ( const char * str)

Creates a properties source based on a C string.

The length will be determined with strlen(), so the string MUST be zero-terminated.

strthe string
the properties source
See also

◆ cxPropertiesDestroy()

void cxPropertiesDestroy ( CxProperties * prop)

Destroys the properties interface.

Even when you are certain that you did not use the interface in a way that caused a memory allocation, you should call this function anyway. Future versions of the library might add features that need additional memory and you really don't want to search the entire code where you might need add call to this function.
propthe properties interface

◆ cxPropertiesFileSource()

CxPropertiesSource cxPropertiesFileSource ( FILE * file,
size_t chunk_size )

Creates a properties source based on an FILE.

filethe file
chunk_sizehow many bytes may be read in one operation
the properties source
See also

◆ cxPropertiesFilln()

int cxPropertiesFilln ( CxProperties * prop,
const char * buf,
size_t len )

Fills the input buffer with data.

After calling this function, you can parse the data by calling cxPropertiesNext().

The properties interface tries to avoid allocations. When you use this function and cxPropertiesNext() interleaving, no allocations are performed. However, you must not free the pointer to the data in that case. When you invoke the fill function more than once before calling cxPropertiesNext(), the additional data is appended - inevitably leading to an allocation of a new buffer and copying the previous contents.
propthe properties interface
bufa pointer to the data
lenthe length of the data
Return values
non-zeroa memory allocation was necessary but failed
See also

◆ cxPropertiesInit()

void cxPropertiesInit ( CxProperties * prop,
CxPropertiesConfig config )

Initialize a properties interface.

propthe properties interface
configthe properties configuration
See also

◆ cxPropertiesLoad()

CxPropertiesStatus cxPropertiesLoad ( CxProperties * prop,
CxPropertiesSink sink,
CxPropertiesSource source )

Loads properties data from a source and transfers it to a sink.

This function tries to read as much data from the source as possible. When the source was completely consumed and at least on k/v-pair was found, the return value will be CX_PROPERTIES_NO_ERROR. When the source was consumed but no k/v-pairs were found, the return value will be CX_PROPERTIES_NO_DATA. In case the source data ends unexpectedly, the CX_PROPERTIES_INCOMPLETE_DATA is returned. In that case you should call this function again with the same sink and either an updated source or the same source if the source is able to yield the missing data.

The other result codes apply, according to their description.

propthe properties interface
sinkthe sink
sourcethe source
Return values
CX_PROPERTIES_NO_ERROR(zero) a key/value pair was found
CX_PROPERTIES_READ_INIT_FAILEDinitializing the source failed
CX_PROPERTIES_READ_FAILEDreading from the source failed
CX_PROPERTIES_SINK_FAILEDsinking the properties into the sink failed
CX_PROPERTIES_NO_DATAthe source did not provide any key/value pairs
CX_PROPERTIES_INCOMPLETE_DATAthe source did not provide enough data
CX_PROPERTIES_INVALID_EMPTY_KEYthe properties data contains an illegal empty key
CX_PROPERTIES_INVALID_MISSING_DELIMITERthe properties data contains a line without delimiter
CX_PROPERTIES_BUFFER_ALLOC_FAILEDan internal allocation was necessary but failed

◆ cxPropertiesMapSink()

CxPropertiesSink cxPropertiesMapSink ( CxMap * map)

Creates a properties sink for an UCX map.

The values stored in the map will be pointers to strings allocated by cx_strdup_a(). The default stdlib allocator will be used, unless you specify a custom allocator in the optional data of the sink.

mapthe map that shall consume the k/v-pairs.
the sink
See also

◆ cxPropertiesNext()

CxPropertiesStatus cxPropertiesNext ( CxProperties * prop,
cxstring * key,
cxstring * value )

Retrieves the next key/value-pair.

This function returns zero as long as there are key/value-pairs found. If no more key/value-pairs are found, CX_PROPERTIES_NO_DATA is returned.

When an incomplete line is encountered, CX_PROPERTIES_INCOMPLETE_DATA is returned, and you can add more data with cxPropertiesFill().

The incomplete line will be stored in an internal buffer, which is allocated on the heap, by default. If you want to avoid allocations, you can specify sufficient space with cxPropertiesUseStack() after initialization with cxPropertiesInit().
The returned strings will point into a buffer that might not be available later. It is strongly recommended to copy the strings for further use.
propthe properties interface
keya pointer to the cxstring that shall contain the property name
valuea pointer to the cxstring that shall contain the property value
Return values
CX_PROPERTIES_NO_ERROR(zero) a key/value pair was found
CX_PROPERTIES_NO_DATAthere is no (more) data in the input buffer
CX_PROPERTIES_INCOMPLETE_DATAthe data in the input buffer is incomplete (fill more data and try again)
CX_PROPERTIES_NULL_INPUTthe input buffer was never filled
CX_PROPERTIES_INVALID_EMPTY_KEYthe properties data contains an illegal empty key
CX_PROPERTIES_INVALID_MISSING_DELIMITERthe properties data contains a line without delimiter
CX_PROPERTIES_BUFFER_ALLOC_FAILEDan internal allocation was necessary but failed

◆ cxPropertiesReset()

static void cxPropertiesReset ( CxProperties * prop)

Destroys and re-initializes the properties interface.

You might want to use this, to reset the parser after encountering a syntax error.

propthe properties interface

◆ cxPropertiesStringSource()

CxPropertiesSource cxPropertiesStringSource ( cxstring str)

Creates a properties source based on an UCX string.

strthe string
the properties source
See also

◆ cxPropertiesUseStack()

void cxPropertiesUseStack ( CxProperties * prop,
char * buf,
size_t capacity )

Specifies stack memory that shall be used as internal buffer.

propthe properties interface
bufa pointer to stack memory
capacitythe capacity of the stack memory