UAP Common Extensions
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tree.h File Reference

Interface for tree implementations. More...

#include "common.h"
#include "collection.h"

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Data Structures

struct  cx_tree_iterator_s
 A depth-first tree iterator. More...
struct  cx_tree_visitor_queue_s
 An element in a visitor queue. More...
struct  cx_tree_visitor_s
 A breadth-first tree iterator. More...
struct  cx_tree_node_base_s
 Base structure that can be used for tree nodes in a CxTree. More...
struct  cx_tree_s
 Structure for holding the base data of a tree. More...
struct  cx_tree_class_s
 The class definition for arbitrary trees. More...


#define cxTreeIteratorContinue(iterator)   (iterator).skip = true; continue
 Advises the iterator to skip the subtree below the current node and also continues the current loop.
#define cxTreeVisitorContinue(visitor)   cxTreeIteratorContinue(visitor)
 Advises the visitor to skip the subtree below the current node and also continues the current loop.
 Macro that can be used instead of the magic value for infinite search depth.
#define CX_TREE_NODE_BASE(type)
 Macro to roll out the cx_tree_node_base_s structure with a custom node type.
#define cx_tree_node_base_layout
 Macro for specifying the layout of a base node tree.
#define cxTreeClear(tree)   cxTreeDestroySubtree(tree, tree->root)
 Destroys the tree contents.
#define cxTreeCreateSimple(allocator, create_func, search_func, search_data_func)
 Creates a new tree structure based on a default layout.


typedef struct cx_tree_iterator_s CxTreeIterator
 A depth-first tree iterator.
typedef struct cx_tree_visitor_s CxTreeVisitor
 A breadth-first tree iterator.
typedef int(* cx_tree_search_data_func) (const void *node, const void *data)
 Function pointer for a search function.
typedef int(* cx_tree_search_func) (const void *node, const void *new_node)
 Function pointer for a search function.
typedef void *(* cx_tree_node_create_func) (const void *, void *)
 Describes a function that creates a tree node from the specified data.
typedef struct cx_tree_class_s cx_tree_class
 Tree class type.
typedef struct cx_tree_s CxTree
 Common type for all tree implementations.
typedef void(* cx_tree_relink_func) (void *node, const void *old_parent, const void *new_parent)
 A function that is invoked when a node needs to be re-linked to a new parent.


static void cxTreeIteratorDispose (CxTreeIterator *iter)
 Releases internal memory of the given tree iterator.
static void cxTreeVisitorDispose (CxTreeVisitor *visitor)
 Releases internal memory of the given tree visitor.
void cx_tree_link (void *parent, void *node, ptrdiff_t loc_parent, ptrdiff_t loc_children, ptrdiff_t loc_last_child, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next)
 Links a node to a (new) parent.
void cx_tree_unlink (void *node, ptrdiff_t loc_parent, ptrdiff_t loc_children, ptrdiff_t loc_last_child, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next)
 Unlinks a node from its parent.
int cx_tree_search_data (const void *root, size_t depth, const void *data, cx_tree_search_data_func sfunc, void **result, ptrdiff_t loc_children, ptrdiff_t loc_next)
 Searches for data in a tree.
int cx_tree_search (const void *root, size_t depth, const void *node, cx_tree_search_func sfunc, void **result, ptrdiff_t loc_children, ptrdiff_t loc_next)
 Searches for a node in a tree.
CxTreeIterator cx_tree_iterator (void *root, bool visit_on_exit, ptrdiff_t loc_children, ptrdiff_t loc_next)
 Creates a depth-first iterator for a tree with the specified root node.
CxTreeVisitor cx_tree_visitor (void *root, ptrdiff_t loc_children, ptrdiff_t loc_next)
 Creates a breadth-first iterator for a tree with the specified root node.
size_t cx_tree_add_iter (struct cx_iterator_base_s *iter, size_t num, cx_tree_search_func sfunc, cx_tree_node_create_func cfunc, void *cdata, void **failed, void *root, ptrdiff_t loc_parent, ptrdiff_t loc_children, ptrdiff_t loc_last_child, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next)
 Adds multiple elements efficiently to a tree.
size_t cx_tree_add_array (const void *src, size_t num, size_t elem_size, cx_tree_search_func sfunc, cx_tree_node_create_func cfunc, void *cdata, void **failed, void *root, ptrdiff_t loc_parent, ptrdiff_t loc_children, ptrdiff_t loc_last_child, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next)
 Adds multiple elements efficiently to a tree.
int cx_tree_add (const void *src, cx_tree_search_func sfunc, cx_tree_node_create_func cfunc, void *cdata, void **cnode, void *root, ptrdiff_t loc_parent, ptrdiff_t loc_children, ptrdiff_t loc_last_child, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next)
 Adds data to a tree.
void cxTreeDestroySubtree (CxTree *tree, void *node)
 Destroys a node and it's subtree.
void cxTreeFree (CxTree *tree)
 Deallocates the tree structure.
CxTreecxTreeCreate (const CxAllocator *allocator, cx_tree_node_create_func create_func, cx_tree_search_func search_func, cx_tree_search_data_func search_data_func, ptrdiff_t loc_parent, ptrdiff_t loc_children, ptrdiff_t loc_last_child, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next)
 Creates a new tree structure based on the specified layout.
CxTreecxTreeCreateWrapped (const CxAllocator *allocator, void *root, ptrdiff_t loc_parent, ptrdiff_t loc_children, ptrdiff_t loc_last_child, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next)
 Creates a new tree structure based on an existing tree.
static int cxTreeInsert (CxTree *tree, const void *data)
 Inserts data into the tree.
static size_t cxTreeInsertIter (CxTree *tree, struct cx_iterator_base_s *iter, size_t n)
 Inserts elements provided by an iterator efficiently into the tree.
static size_t cxTreeInsertArray (CxTree *tree, const void *data, size_t elem_size, size_t n)
 Inserts an array of data efficiently into the tree.
static void * cxTreeFind (CxTree *tree, const void *data)
 Searches the data in the specified tree.
static void * cxTreeFindInSubtree (CxTree *tree, const void *data, void *subtree_root, size_t max_depth)
 Searches the data in the specified subtree.
size_t cxTreeSubtreeSize (CxTree *tree, void *subtree_root)
 Determines the size of the specified subtree.
size_t cxTreeSubtreeDepth (CxTree *tree, void *subtree_root)
 Determines the depth of the specified subtree.
size_t cxTreeDepth (CxTree *tree)
 Determines the depth of the entire tree.
static CxTreeIterator cxTreeIterateSubtree (CxTree *tree, void *node, bool visit_on_exit)
 Creates a depth-first iterator for the specified tree starting in node.
static CxTreeVisitor cxTreeVisitSubtree (CxTree *tree, void *node)
 Creates a breadth-first iterator for the specified tree starting in node.
static CxTreeIterator cxTreeIterate (CxTree *tree, bool visit_on_exit)
 Creates a depth-first iterator for the specified tree.
static CxTreeVisitor cxTreeVisit (CxTree *tree)
 Creates a breadth-first iterator for the specified tree.
void cxTreeSetParent (CxTree *tree, void *parent, void *child)
 Sets the (new) parent of the specified child.
void cxTreeAddChildNode (CxTree *tree, void *parent, void *child)
 Adds a new node to the tree.
int cxTreeAddChild (CxTree *tree, void *parent, const void *data)
 Creates a new node and adds it to the tree.
int cxTreeRemoveNode (CxTree *tree, void *node, cx_tree_relink_func relink_func)
 Removes a node and re-links its children to its former parent.
void cxTreeRemoveSubtree (CxTree *tree, void *node)
 Removes a node and it's subtree from the tree.
int cxTreeDestroyNode (CxTree *tree, void *node, cx_tree_relink_func relink_func)
 Destroys a node and re-links its children to its former parent.


unsigned int cx_tree_add_look_around_depth
 The local search depth for a new subtree when adding multiple elements.

Detailed Description

Interface for tree implementations.

Mike Becker
Olaf Wintermann

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CX_TREE_NODE_BASE ( type)
type *parent; \
type *children;\
type *last_child;\
type *prev;\
type *next

Macro to roll out the cx_tree_node_base_s structure with a custom node type.

Must be used as first member in your custom tree struct.

typethe data type for the nodes

◆ cx_tree_node_base_layout

#define cx_tree_node_base_layout
offsetof(struct cx_tree_node_base_s, parent),\
offsetof(struct cx_tree_node_base_s, children),\
offsetof(struct cx_tree_node_base_s, last_child),\
offsetof(struct cx_tree_node_base_s, prev), \
offsetof(struct cx_tree_node_base_s, next)
Base structure that can be used for tree nodes in a CxTree.
Definition tree.h:700

Macro for specifying the layout of a base node tree.

When your tree uses CX_TREE_NODE_BASE, you can use this macro in all tree functions that expect the layout parameters loc_parent, loc_children, loc_last_child, loc_prev, and loc_next.

◆ cxTreeClear

#define cxTreeClear ( tree)    cxTreeDestroySubtree(tree, tree->root)

Destroys the tree contents.

It is guaranteed that the simple destructor is invoked before the advanced destructor, starting with the leaf nodes of the subtree.

This is a convenience macro for invoking cxTreeDestroySubtree() on the root node of the tree.

Be careful when calling this function when no destructor function is registered that actually frees the memory of nodes. In that case you will need a reference to the (former) root node of the tree somewhere or otherwise you will be leaking memory.
treethe tree
See also

◆ cxTreeCreateSimple

#define cxTreeCreateSimple ( allocator,
search_data_func )
cxTreeCreate(allocator, create_func, search_func, search_data_func, \
#define cx_tree_node_base_layout
Macro for specifying the layout of a base node tree.
Definition tree.h:834
CxTree * cxTreeCreate(const CxAllocator *allocator, cx_tree_node_create_func create_func, cx_tree_search_func search_func, cx_tree_search_data_func search_data_func, ptrdiff_t loc_parent, ptrdiff_t loc_children, ptrdiff_t loc_last_child, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next)
Creates a new tree structure based on the specified layout.

Creates a new tree structure based on a default layout.

Nodes created by create_func MUST contain cx_tree_node_base_s as first member (or at least respect the default offsets specified in the tree struct) and they MUST be allocated with the specified allocator.

This function will also register an advanced destructor which will free the nodes with the allocator's free() method.
allocator(CxAllocator*) the allocator that shall be used
create_func(cx_tree_node_create_func) a function that creates new nodes
search_func(cx_tree_search_func) a function that compares two nodes
search_data_func(cx_tree_search_data_func) a function that compares a node with data
(CxTree*) the new tree
See also

◆ cxTreeIteratorContinue

#define cxTreeIteratorContinue ( iterator)    (iterator).skip = true; continue

Advises the iterator to skip the subtree below the current node and also continues the current loop.

iterator(CxTreeIterator) the iterator

◆ cxTreeVisitorContinue

#define cxTreeVisitorContinue ( visitor)    cxTreeIteratorContinue(visitor)

Advises the visitor to skip the subtree below the current node and also continues the current loop.

visitor(CxTreeVisitor) the visitor

Typedef Documentation

◆ cx_tree_node_create_func

typedef void *(* cx_tree_node_create_func) (const void *, void *)

Describes a function that creates a tree node from the specified data.

The first argument points to the data the node shall contain and the second argument may be used for additional data (e.g. an allocator). Functions of this type shall either return a new pointer to a newly created node or NULL when allocation fails.

the function may leave the node pointers in the struct uninitialized. The caller is responsible to set them according to the intended use case.

◆ cx_tree_relink_func

typedef void(* cx_tree_relink_func) (void *node, const void *old_parent, const void *new_parent)

A function that is invoked when a node needs to be re-linked to a new parent.

When a node is re-linked, sometimes the contents need to be updated. This callback is invoked by cxTreeRemoveNode() and cxTreeDestroyNode() so that those updates can be applied when re-linking the children of the removed node.

nodethe affected node
old_parentthe old parent of the node
new_parentthe new parent of the node

◆ cx_tree_search_data_func

typedef int(* cx_tree_search_data_func) (const void *node, const void *data)

Function pointer for a search function.

A function of this kind shall check if the specified node contains the given data or if one of the children might contain the data.

The function should use the returned integer to indicate how close the match is, where a negative number means that it does not match at all. Zero means exact match and a positive number is an implementation defined measure for the distance to an exact match.

For example if a tree stores file path information, a node that is describing a parent directory of a filename that is searched, shall return a positive number to indicate that a child node might contain the searched item. On the other hand, if the node denotes a path that is not a prefix of the searched filename, the function would return -1 to indicate that the search does not need to be continued in that branch.

nodethe node that is currently investigated
datathe data that is searched for
0 if the node contains the data, positive if one of the children might contain the data, negative if neither the node, nor the children contains the data

◆ cx_tree_search_func

typedef int(* cx_tree_search_func) (const void *node, const void *new_node)

Function pointer for a search function.

A function of this kind shall check if the specified node contains the same data as new_node or if one of the children might contain the data.

The function should use the returned integer to indicate how close the match is, where a negative number means that it does not match at all. Zero means exact match and a positive number is an implementation defined measure for the distance to an exact match.

For example if a tree stores file path information, a node that is describing a parent directory of a filename that is searched, shall return a positive number to indicate that a child node might contain the searched item. On the other hand, if the node denotes a path that is not a prefix of the searched filename, the function would return -1 to indicate that the search does not need to be continued in that branch.

nodethe node that is currently investigated
new_nodea new node with the information which is searched
0 if node contains the same data as new_node, positive if one of the children might contain the data, negative if neither the node, nor the children contains the data

◆ CxTreeIterator

A depth-first tree iterator.

This iterator is not position-aware in a strict sense, as it does not assume a particular order of elements in the tree. However, the iterator keeps track of the number of nodes it has passed in a counter variable. Each node, regardless of the number of passes, is counted only once.

Objects that are pointed to by an iterator are mutable through that iterator. However, if the underlying data structure is mutated by other means than this iterator (e.g. elements added or removed), the iterator becomes invalid (regardless of what cxIteratorValid() returns).
See also

◆ CxTreeVisitor

A breadth-first tree iterator.

This iterator needs to maintain a visitor queue that will be automatically freed once the iterator becomes invalid. If you want to discard the iterator before, you MUST manually call cxTreeVisitorDispose().

This iterator is not position-aware in a strict sense, as it does not assume a particular order of elements in the tree. However, the iterator keeps track of the number of nodes it has passed in a counter variable. Each node, regardless of the number of passes, is counted only once.

Objects that are pointed to by an iterator are mutable through that iterator. However, if the underlying data structure is mutated by other means than this iterator (e.g. elements added or removed), the iterator becomes invalid (regardless of what cxIteratorValid() returns).
See also

Function Documentation

◆ cx_tree_add()

int cx_tree_add ( const void * src,
cx_tree_search_func sfunc,
cx_tree_node_create_func cfunc,
void * cdata,
void ** cnode,
void * root,
ptrdiff_t loc_parent,
ptrdiff_t loc_children,
ptrdiff_t loc_last_child,
ptrdiff_t loc_prev,
ptrdiff_t loc_next )

Adds data to a tree.

An adequate location where to add the new tree node is searched with the specified sfunc.

When a location is found, the cfunc will be invoked with cdata.

The node returned by cfunc will be linked into the tree. When sfunc returned a positive integer, the new node will be linked as a child. The other children (now siblings of the new node) are then checked with sfunc, whether they could be children of the new node and re-linked accordingly.

When sfunc returned zero and the found node has a parent, the new node will be added as sibling - otherwise, the new node will be added as a child.

When sfunc returned a negative value, the new node will not be added to the tree and this function returns a non-zero value. The caller should check if cnode contains a node pointer and deal with the node that could not be added.

This function also returns a non-zero value when cfunc tries to allocate a new node but fails to do so. In that case, the pointer stored to cnode will be NULL.

Multiple elements can be added more efficiently with cx_tree_add_array() or cx_tree_add_iter().

srca pointer to the data
sfunca search function
cfunca node creation function
cdataoptional additional data
cnodethe location where a pointer to the new node is stored
rootthe root node of the tree
loc_parentoffset in the node struct for the parent pointer
loc_childrenoffset in the node struct for the children linked list
loc_last_childoptional offset in the node struct for the pointer to the last child in the linked list (negative if there is no such pointer)
loc_prevoptional offset in the node struct for the prev pointer
loc_nextoffset in the node struct for the next pointer
zero when a new node was created and added to the tree, non-zero otherwise

◆ cx_tree_add_array()

size_t cx_tree_add_array ( const void * src,
size_t num,
size_t elem_size,
cx_tree_search_func sfunc,
cx_tree_node_create_func cfunc,
void * cdata,
void ** failed,
void * root,
ptrdiff_t loc_parent,
ptrdiff_t loc_children,
ptrdiff_t loc_last_child,
ptrdiff_t loc_prev,
ptrdiff_t loc_next )

Adds multiple elements efficiently to a tree.

Once an element cannot be added to the tree, this function returns, storing the pointer of the created node to failed. The integer returned by this function denotes the number of elements from the src array that have been successfully processed. When all elements could be processed, a NULL pointer will be written to failed.

The advantage of this function compared to multiple invocations of cx_tree_add() is that the search for the insert locations is not always started from the root node. Instead, the function checks cx_tree_add_look_around_depth many parent nodes of the current insert location before starting from the root node again. When the variable is set to zero, only the last found location is checked again.

Refer to the documentation of cx_tree_add() for more details.

srca pointer to the source data array
numthe number of elements in the src array
elem_sizethe size of each element in the src array
sfunca search function
cfunca node creation function
cdataoptional additional data
failedlocation where the pointer to a failed node shall be stored
rootthe root node of the tree
loc_parentoffset in the node struct for the parent pointer
loc_childrenoffset in the node struct for the children linked list
loc_last_childoptional offset in the node struct for the pointer to the last child in the linked list (negative if there is no such pointer)
loc_prevoptional offset in the node struct for the prev pointer
loc_nextoffset in the node struct for the next pointer
the number of array elements successfully processed
See also

◆ cx_tree_add_iter()

size_t cx_tree_add_iter ( struct cx_iterator_base_s * iter,
size_t num,
cx_tree_search_func sfunc,
cx_tree_node_create_func cfunc,
void * cdata,
void ** failed,
void * root,
ptrdiff_t loc_parent,
ptrdiff_t loc_children,
ptrdiff_t loc_last_child,
ptrdiff_t loc_prev,
ptrdiff_t loc_next )

Adds multiple elements efficiently to a tree.

Once an element cannot be added to the tree, this function returns, leaving the iterator in a valid state pointing to the element that could not be added. Also, the pointer of the created node will be stored to failed. The integer returned by this function denotes the number of elements obtained from the iter that have been successfully processed. When all elements could be processed, a NULL pointer will be written to failed.

The advantage of this function compared to multiple invocations of cx_tree_add() is that the search for the insert locations is not always started from the root node. Instead, the function checks cx_tree_add_look_around_depth many parent nodes of the current insert location before starting from the root node again. When the variable is set to zero, only the last found location is checked again.

Refer to the documentation of cx_tree_add() for more details.

itera pointer to an arbitrary iterator
numthe maximum number of elements to obtain from the iterator
sfunca search function
cfunca node creation function
cdataoptional additional data
rootthe root node of the tree
failedlocation where the pointer to a failed node shall be stored
loc_parentoffset in the node struct for the parent pointer
loc_childrenoffset in the node struct for the children linked list
loc_last_childoptional offset in the node struct for the pointer to the last child in the linked list (negative if there is no such pointer)
loc_prevoptional offset in the node struct for the prev pointer
loc_nextoffset in the node struct for the next pointer
the number of nodes created and added
See also

◆ cx_tree_iterator()

CxTreeIterator cx_tree_iterator ( void * root,
bool visit_on_exit,
ptrdiff_t loc_children,
ptrdiff_t loc_next )

Creates a depth-first iterator for a tree with the specified root node.

A tree iterator needs to maintain a stack of visited nodes, which is allocated using stdlib malloc(). When the iterator becomes invalid, this memory is automatically released. However, if you wish to cancel the iteration before the iterator becomes invalid by itself, you MUST call cxTreeIteratorDispose() manually to release the memory.
The returned iterator does not support cxIteratorFlagRemoval().
rootthe root node
visit_on_exitset to true, when the iterator shall visit a node again after processing all children
loc_childrenoffset in the node struct for the children linked list
loc_nextoffset in the node struct for the next pointer
the new tree iterator
See also

◆ cx_tree_link()

void cx_tree_link ( void * parent,
void * node,
ptrdiff_t loc_parent,
ptrdiff_t loc_children,
ptrdiff_t loc_last_child,
ptrdiff_t loc_prev,
ptrdiff_t loc_next )

Links a node to a (new) parent.

If the node has already a parent, it is unlinked, first. If the parent has children already, the node is appended to the list of all currently existing children.

parentthe parent node
nodethe node that shall be linked
loc_parentoffset in the node struct for the parent pointer
loc_childrenoffset in the node struct for the children linked list
loc_last_childoptional offset in the node struct for the pointer to the last child in the linked list (negative if there is no such pointer)
loc_prevoptional offset in the node struct for the prev pointer
loc_nextoffset in the node struct for the next pointer
See also

◆ cx_tree_search()

int cx_tree_search ( const void * root,
size_t depth,
const void * node,
cx_tree_search_func sfunc,
void ** result,
ptrdiff_t loc_children,
ptrdiff_t loc_next )

Searches for a node in a tree.

When no node with the same data can be found, the search function might return a closest result which might be a good starting point for adding the new node to the tree (see also cx_tree_add()).

Depending on the tree structure it is not necessarily guaranteed that the "closest" match is uniquely defined. This function will search for a node with the best match according to the sfunc (meaning: the return value of sfunc which is closest to zero). If that is also ambiguous, an arbitrary node matching the criteria is returned.

rootthe root node
depththe maximum depth (zero=indefinite, one=just root)
nodethe node to search for
sfuncthe search function
resultwhere the result shall be stored
loc_childrenoffset in the node struct for the children linked list
loc_nextoffset in the node struct for the next pointer
zero if the node was found exactly, positive if a node was found that could contain the node (but doesn't right now), negative if the tree does not contain any node that might be related to the searched data

◆ cx_tree_search_data()

int cx_tree_search_data ( const void * root,
size_t depth,
const void * data,
cx_tree_search_data_func sfunc,
void ** result,
ptrdiff_t loc_children,
ptrdiff_t loc_next )

Searches for data in a tree.

When the data cannot be found exactly, the search function might return a closest result which might be a good starting point for adding a new node to the tree (see also cx_tree_add()).

Depending on the tree structure it is not necessarily guaranteed that the "closest" match is uniquely defined. This function will search for a node with the best match according to the sfunc (meaning: the return value of sfunc which is closest to zero). If that is also ambiguous, an arbitrary node matching the criteria is returned.

rootthe root node
depththe maximum depth (zero=indefinite, one=just root)
datathe data to search for
sfuncthe search function
resultwhere the result shall be stored
loc_childrenoffset in the node struct for the children linked list
loc_nextoffset in the node struct for the next pointer
zero if the node was found exactly, positive if a node was found that could contain the node (but doesn't right now), negative if the tree does not contain any node that might be related to the searched data

◆ cx_tree_unlink()

void cx_tree_unlink ( void * node,
ptrdiff_t loc_parent,
ptrdiff_t loc_children,
ptrdiff_t loc_last_child,
ptrdiff_t loc_prev,
ptrdiff_t loc_next )

Unlinks a node from its parent.

If the node has no parent, this function does nothing.

nodethe node that shall be unlinked from its parent
loc_parentoffset in the node struct for the parent pointer
loc_childrenoffset in the node struct for the children linked list
loc_last_childoptional offset in the node struct for the pointer to the last child in the linked list (negative if there is no such pointer)
loc_prevoptional offset in the node struct for the prev pointer
loc_nextoffset in the node struct for the next pointer
See also

◆ cx_tree_visitor()

CxTreeVisitor cx_tree_visitor ( void * root,
ptrdiff_t loc_children,
ptrdiff_t loc_next )

Creates a breadth-first iterator for a tree with the specified root node.

A tree visitor needs to maintain a queue of to be visited nodes, which is allocated using stdlib malloc(). When the visitor becomes invalid, this memory is automatically released. However, if you wish to cancel the iteration before the visitor becomes invalid by itself, you MUST call cxTreeVisitorDispose() manually to release the memory.
The returned iterator does not support cxIteratorFlagRemoval().
rootthe root node
loc_childrenoffset in the node struct for the children linked list
loc_nextoffset in the node struct for the next pointer
the new tree visitor
See also

◆ cxTreeAddChild()

int cxTreeAddChild ( CxTree * tree,
void * parent,
const void * data )

Creates a new node and adds it to the tree.

With this function you can decide where exactly the new node shall be added. If you specified an appropriate search function, you may want to consider leaving this task to the tree by using cxTreeInsert().

Be aware that adding nodes at arbitrary locations in the tree might cause wrong or undesired results when subsequently invoking cxTreeInsert() and the invariant imposed by the search function does not hold any longer.

treethe tree
parentthe parent node of the new node
datathe data that will be submitted to the create function
zero when the new node was created, non-zero on allocation failure
See also

◆ cxTreeAddChildNode()

void cxTreeAddChildNode ( CxTree * tree,
void * parent,
void * child )

Adds a new node to the tree.

If the child is already member of the tree, the behavior is undefined. Use cxTreeSetParent() if you want to move a subtree to another location.

The node may be externally created, but MUST obey the same rules as if it was created by the tree itself with cxTreeAddChild() (e.g. use the same allocator).
treethe tree
parentthe parent of the node to add
childthe node to add
See also

◆ cxTreeCreate()

CxTree * cxTreeCreate ( const CxAllocator * allocator,
cx_tree_node_create_func create_func,
cx_tree_search_func search_func,
cx_tree_search_data_func search_data_func,
ptrdiff_t loc_parent,
ptrdiff_t loc_children,
ptrdiff_t loc_last_child,
ptrdiff_t loc_prev,
ptrdiff_t loc_next )

Creates a new tree structure based on the specified layout.

The specified allocator will be used for creating the tree struct and SHALL be used by create_func to allocate memory for the nodes.

This function will also register an advanced destructor which will free the nodes with the allocator's free() method.
allocatorthe allocator that shall be used (if NULL, a default stdlib allocator will be used)
create_funca function that creates new nodes
search_funca function that compares two nodes
search_data_funca function that compares a node with data
loc_parentoffset in the node struct for the parent pointer
loc_childrenoffset in the node struct for the children linked list
loc_last_childoptional offset in the node struct for the pointer to the last child in the linked list (negative if there is no such pointer)
loc_prevoptional offset in the node struct for the prev pointer
loc_nextoffset in the node struct for the next pointer
the new tree
See also

◆ cxTreeCreateWrapped()

CxTree * cxTreeCreateWrapped ( const CxAllocator * allocator,
void * root,
ptrdiff_t loc_parent,
ptrdiff_t loc_children,
ptrdiff_t loc_last_child,
ptrdiff_t loc_prev,
ptrdiff_t loc_next )

Creates a new tree structure based on an existing tree.

The specified allocator will be used for creating the tree struct.

This function will create an incompletely defined tree structure where neither the create function, the search function, nor a destructor will be set. If you wish to use any of this functionality for the wrapped tree, you need to specify those functions afterwards.
allocatorthe allocator that was used for nodes of the wrapped tree (if NULL, a default stdlib allocator is assumed)
rootthe root node of the tree that shall be wrapped
loc_parentoffset in the node struct for the parent pointer
loc_childrenoffset in the node struct for the children linked list
loc_last_childoptional offset in the node struct for the pointer to the last child in the linked list (negative if there is no such pointer)
loc_prevoptional offset in the node struct for the prev pointer
loc_nextoffset in the node struct for the next pointer
the new tree
See also

◆ cxTreeDepth()

size_t cxTreeDepth ( CxTree * tree)

Determines the depth of the entire tree.

treethe tree
the tree depth, counting the root as one

◆ cxTreeDestroyNode()

int cxTreeDestroyNode ( CxTree * tree,
void * node,
cx_tree_relink_func relink_func )

Destroys a node and re-links its children to its former parent.

If the node is not part of the tree, the behavior is undefined.

It is guaranteed that the simple destructor is invoked before the advanced destructor.

This function will not free the memory of the node with the tree's allocator, because that is usually done by the advanced destructor and would therefore result in a double-free.
treethe tree
nodethe node to destroy (must not be the root node)
relink_funcoptional callback to update the content of each re-linked node
zero on success, non-zero if node is the root node of the tree

◆ cxTreeDestroySubtree()

void cxTreeDestroySubtree ( CxTree * tree,
void * node )

Destroys a node and it's subtree.

It is guaranteed that the simple destructor is invoked before the advanced destructor, starting with the leaf nodes of the subtree.

When this function is invoked on the root node of the tree, it destroys the tree contents, but - in contrast to cxTreeFree() - not the tree structure, leaving an empty tree behind.

The destructor function, if any, will not be invoked. That means you will need to free the removed subtree by yourself, eventually.
This function will not free the memory of the nodes with the tree's allocator, because that is usually done by the advanced destructor and would therefore result in a double-free.
treethe tree
nodethe node to remove
See also

◆ cxTreeFind()

static void * cxTreeFind ( CxTree * tree,
const void * data )

Searches the data in the specified tree.

For this function to work, the tree needs a specified search_data function, which might not be available wrapped trees (see cxTreeCreateWrapped()).
treethe tree
datathe data to search for
the first matching node, or NULL when the data cannot be found

◆ cxTreeFindInSubtree()

static void * cxTreeFindInSubtree ( CxTree * tree,
const void * data,
void * subtree_root,
size_t max_depth )

Searches the data in the specified subtree.

When max_depth is zero, the depth is not limited. The subtree_root itself is on depth 1 and its children have depth 2.

When subtree_root is not part of the tree, the behavior is undefined.
For this function to work, the tree needs a specified search_data function, which might not be the case for wrapped trees (see cxTreeCreateWrapped()).
treethe tree
datathe data to search for
subtree_rootthe node where to start
max_depththe maximum search depth
the first matching node, or NULL when the data cannot be found

◆ cxTreeFree()

void cxTreeFree ( CxTree * tree)

Deallocates the tree structure.

The destructor functions are invoked for each node, starting with the leaf nodes. It is guaranteed that for each node the simple destructor is invoked before the advanced destructor.

This function will only invoke the destructor functions on the nodes. It will NOT additionally free the nodes with the tree's allocator, because that would cause a double-free in most scenarios where the advanced destructor is already freeing the memory.
treethe tree to free

◆ cxTreeInsert()

static int cxTreeInsert ( CxTree * tree,
const void * data )

Inserts data into the tree.

For this function to work, the tree needs specified search and create functions, which might not be available for wrapped trees (see cxTreeCreateWrapped()).
treethe tree
datathe data to insert
Return values

◆ cxTreeInsertArray()

static size_t cxTreeInsertArray ( CxTree * tree,
const void * data,
size_t elem_size,
size_t n )

Inserts an array of data efficiently into the tree.

For this function to work, the tree needs specified search and create functions, which might not be available for wrapped trees (see cxTreeCreateWrapped()).
treethe tree
datathe array of data to insert
elem_sizethe size of each element in the array
nthe number of elements in the array
the number of elements that could be successfully inserted

◆ cxTreeInsertIter()

static size_t cxTreeInsertIter ( CxTree * tree,
struct cx_iterator_base_s * iter,
size_t n )

Inserts elements provided by an iterator efficiently into the tree.

For this function to work, the tree needs specified search and create functions, which might not be available for wrapped trees (see cxTreeCreateWrapped()).
treethe tree
iterthe iterator providing the elements
nthe maximum number of elements to insert
the number of elements that could be successfully inserted

◆ cxTreeIterate()

static CxTreeIterator cxTreeIterate ( CxTree * tree,
bool visit_on_exit )

Creates a depth-first iterator for the specified tree.

treethe tree to iterate
visit_on_exittrue, if the iterator shall visit a node again when leaving the subtree
a tree iterator (depth-first)
See also

◆ cxTreeIterateSubtree()

static CxTreeIterator cxTreeIterateSubtree ( CxTree * tree,
void * node,
bool visit_on_exit )

Creates a depth-first iterator for the specified tree starting in node.

If the node is not part of the tree, the behavior is undefined.

treethe tree to iterate
nodethe node where to start
visit_on_exittrue, if the iterator shall visit a node again when leaving the subtree
a tree iterator (depth-first)
See also

◆ cxTreeIteratorDispose()

static void cxTreeIteratorDispose ( CxTreeIterator * iter)

Releases internal memory of the given tree iterator.

iterthe iterator

◆ cxTreeRemoveNode()

int cxTreeRemoveNode ( CxTree * tree,
void * node,
cx_tree_relink_func relink_func )

Removes a node and re-links its children to its former parent.

If the node is not part of the tree, the behavior is undefined.

The destructor function, if any, will not be invoked. That means you will need to free the removed node by yourself, eventually.
treethe tree
nodethe node to remove (must not be the root node)
relink_funcoptional callback to update the content of each re-linked node
zero on success, non-zero if node is the root node of the tree

◆ cxTreeRemoveSubtree()

void cxTreeRemoveSubtree ( CxTree * tree,
void * node )

Removes a node and it's subtree from the tree.

If the node is not part of the tree, the behavior is undefined.

The destructor function, if any, will not be invoked. That means you will need to free the removed subtree by yourself, eventually.
treethe tree
nodethe node to remove

◆ cxTreeSetParent()

void cxTreeSetParent ( CxTree * tree,
void * parent,
void * child )

Sets the (new) parent of the specified child.

If the child is not already member of the tree, this function behaves as cxTreeAddChildNode().

treethe tree
parentthe (new) parent of the child
childthe node to add
See also

◆ cxTreeSubtreeDepth()

size_t cxTreeSubtreeDepth ( CxTree * tree,
void * subtree_root )

Determines the depth of the specified subtree.

treethe tree
subtree_rootthe root node of the subtree
the tree depth including the subtree_root

◆ cxTreeSubtreeSize()

size_t cxTreeSubtreeSize ( CxTree * tree,
void * subtree_root )

Determines the size of the specified subtree.

treethe tree
subtree_rootthe root node of the subtree
the number of nodes in the specified subtree

◆ cxTreeVisit()

static CxTreeVisitor cxTreeVisit ( CxTree * tree)

Creates a breadth-first iterator for the specified tree.

treethe tree to iterate
a tree visitor (a.k.a. breadth-first iterator)
See also

◆ cxTreeVisitorDispose()

static void cxTreeVisitorDispose ( CxTreeVisitor * visitor)

Releases internal memory of the given tree visitor.

visitorthe visitor

◆ cxTreeVisitSubtree()

static CxTreeVisitor cxTreeVisitSubtree ( CxTree * tree,
void * node )

Creates a breadth-first iterator for the specified tree starting in node.

If the node is not part of the tree, the behavior is undefined.

treethe tree to iterate
nodethe node where to start
a tree visitor (a.k.a. breadth-first iterator)
See also

Variable Documentation

◆ cx_tree_add_look_around_depth

unsigned int cx_tree_add_look_around_depth

The local search depth for a new subtree when adding multiple elements.

The default value is 3. This variable is used by cx_tree_add_array() and cx_tree_add_iter() to implement optimized insertion of multiple elements into a tree.